
Please click on the following link to learn more about District Assessment Guidelines and Policies for Parents:

2021-2022 Assessment Information and Windows

School Level Assessments

  • I-Ready- provides diagnostic data for ELA and Math

    • Given in class for Kindergarten through 5th grade students

    • Diagnostic 1 - 8/12-9/3 (Kindergarten diagnostic 1- 10/11-11/5)

    • Diagnostic 2- 11/29- 1/14

    • Diagnostic 3- 4/26-5/13

District Assessments

  • CogAT Universal Screener - The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice K-12 assessment that measures reasoning skills with different types of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal questions. The CogAT is a group-administered aptitude test commonly given as an entrance exam into school's gifted programs. Typically, Aurora Public Schools assesses 2nd and 7th grade students.

    • Screener window - 10/4-11/19