How to Get Involved

We are always looking for family and community members to get involved and volunteer. There are many opportunities to do so.

Volunteering - We can always use the support of volunteers. This can be done by coming to the school and volunteering or by helping by completing projects for teachers at home

  • If you would like to volunteer at the school you will need to apply to become a volunteer. The process and further information about this process can be found here

  • If you would like to help with projects you can work on at home please reach out to Valentina Talamantes our Family Liaison

PTO/SAC- Our PTO/SAC meets once a month on the first Tuesday of the month. We are always looking for our families to join the PTO/SAC in order to help support and make decisions for our school. If you have any questions about our PTO/SAC please reach out to Valentina Talamantes Family Liaison.

Community Involvement